Schedule a Tutoring Appointment

Learning Center

Directions: Click the "Schedule an Appointment" button and select MSJU Learning Center location. From the pop up menu, choose the subject/tutor you need and follow on screen directions to make an appointment.


Don’t see the subject you’re looking for? Don’t see an available time that meets your needs?
Click on the appropriate tutor request form below, or email the Learning Center:

Tutor Request Forms:

Academic Strategies Workshops 2023-2024

The Learning Center and the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences are offering workshops focusing on study strategies and assistance with assignments.  Student athletes will receive study tables hours for attending.  Each week a new topic will be covered, followed by one on one time with individual assistance or test preparation.

Workshops will return in the Spring 2024 semester. Check back in January for the new topcis and schedule.


For more information, contact The Learning Center or visit their myMount page.

Today's Hours